Got out to Metro and damn, thank god the contest was taking place on the quarter pipe in the shade!! Weather dealt a hand of like 100 degree hell for the troopers to trick to. The dude manning the grill was sweating profusely but for sure dishing out some tasty vittles. Bands jammed while the open session went down. Music starts skate, music stops its over. A quick pop but I personally could not handle much more, don't know how the skaters did it. Results shook out to be 1st place Ratface, 2nd Frank Faria, and 3rd was brought home by a dude named Nick. Thanks to Ace trucks, Final Sin, and Chump Change for the help out. Look for more from the Metro team and big man Joel Jutagir in the future.
Hell yeah it was hotter than all get out but the event was rad thanks to everyone who came out! Too bad frontside blunt guy didn't land it, he would've given Indy nosepick guy a run for his set of Ace Trucks. ACE SKATEBOARD TRUCK MFG.
Hell yeah it was hotter than all get out but the event was rad thanks to everyone who came out! Too bad frontside blunt guy didn't land it, he would've given Indy nosepick guy a run for his set of Ace Trucks.